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TWO IN ONE Life Lutzurious

TWO IN ONE Life Lutzurious

TWO IN ONE Life Lutzurious

TWO IN ONE Life Lutzurious

Hi loves!  I hope everyone has had a GREAT week.  Doesn’t the week after a long holiday just seem to drag on forever?  Gosh it totally does, but this week has been different for me than in years prior.  It is my LAST WEEK AT HOME before I go back to work on Monday.  More on this later, but my last week with Asher-man has flown by…and I am clinging on to every last second with him!  I can’t believe he was born 16 weeks ago, and I can’t believe my life could change SO much [for the better] in 16 short weeks.  He is truly my prince!

If you are a regular on here, you will know that I am big on “price per wear.”  I used to be that person that said, ” I will never wear anything twice.”  I would find myself buying stuff just to buy it, not really loving it, and then having major buyer’s remorse.  A few years ago, I swore this off.  No more buying stuff just to buy it.  I am going to INVEST (welcome to my thirties) in quality pieces that I will get a lot of wear out of and actually WANT to wear over and over again.  When people ask me what I am wearing to an event, I typically respond with “something from the repeat boutique.”  And I respond proudly!

Ok, so this outfit by Derek Lam is the PERFECT example.  It is a DRESS and a SHIRT in one.  Mind blown!  In this look, I wear the two together to create a shirt/skirt combo, but you can wear this shirt with ANYTHING.  High-waisted flares, a pencil skirt for work, or skinny jeans.  I have lived in this shirt.  So, while yes, the dress is $500+, you get TWO outfits IN ONE, and the possibilities are endless.  For winter, what if you paired a chunky cable knit sweater over this dress and wore flat over the knee boots?  That’s going to be my next combo for sure.

So, let’s discuss these boots.  I now own them in 2 colors and LIVE in them.  I know over the knee boots make people nervous, but these boots are not just for Julia Roberts in Pretty Women, if you catch my drift.  And again, these were an INVESTMENT.  I will link up some more budget-friendly options for you guys as well.  There are tons of OTK boots out there right now.  Want to wear a dress but don’t feel like shaving?  OTK Boots.  Want to dress up your favorite pair of skinny jeans?  OTK boots.  Hate tights (like me)?  OTK boots.  The possibilities are endless!

Do you have any outfits that are TWO IN ONE?  Don’t forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM for more fashion inspo (and adorable pictures of Asher-man)!

TWO IN ONE Life Lutzurious

DRESS Derek Lam Crosby 10 (Gus Mayer email [email protected]) | BOOTS Stuart Weitzman (Gus Mayer email [email protected]) budget friendly HERE | SUNNIES Krewe | BRACELETS Vita Fede

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All images by Rachel and Noah Ray Photography

Love Always LL


